05 Jan

Audi R8 China Edition

 Custom Shop: Audi Factory Most Outrageous Feature leather inside  This inside might be a kinder approach after taking their fins to manage all those sharks.  Chinese-market Audi, move.  Nice move on thiswebsite


Land Rover Defender

 Custom Shop: Vilner Most Bizarre Feature: It is soundproof This is  the listening area that is rolling.  It does not matter what you prefer  to obey, there is no way it won't sound good in this cabin, and you  won't have any noise leaking into the undeserving schlubs outside.  The  interior is appointed with alcantara Nappa leather, and lovely wood  accents.  Do you need a home? 


Ghost Save the Queen

 Custom Shop: Carlex Design Most Outrageous Feature: kangaroo leather interior and Ostrich over 1-inch thick Sure, ostrich and kangaroo  leather are exotic.  But kangaroo leather is also protective.  That is  why they make motorcycle race suits out of it.  Why do you need a  diminished leather covering your ass that is prized, if you have got  this much cash to invest? 


Scania 164L 580

 Custom Shop: Carlex Design Most Beautiful Feature: Gorgeous hardwood flooring Carlex Designs wants to provide you a serious wood -- which  is, if you drive a big rig such as this Scania.  If you get bored on a  long haul, it could be a design feature.  Bring tap shoes and you can  wake yourself up. 


Porsche Cayenne Turbo

 Custom Shop: Lumma Design Most Outrageous Feature: Three colors of  brown.  THREE!  Take that, beige Porsche lovers! The Cayenne is  generally a symphony of crimson, but it's interesting contrasts which  make colours pop, as anyone knows.  Lumma has done just that.  It isn't  flashy, but that's not exactly what the Cayenne is about.  Think of it. 


Mercedes-Benz W112 Gentle Pagoda

 Custom Shop: Vilner Most Outrageous Feature: That embroidery goes  anywhere You know a car is over-the-top with luxury when your suitcases  can ride in style in the trunk.  We pity the fool who drags a bag that  is wheeled before tossing it in the back,  though. 


2012 Mercedes-Benz CL 800 Coupe

 Custom Shop: Brabus Most Beautiful Feature: White leather and  Alcantara interior that is black, carbon fiber dashboard elements We did not think it had been possible to utilize carbon fiber beams in a  manner.  It's strength on racecars and a fantastic material for  aerodynamic performance, but generally appears stupid and poserish as an accent.  Plus, the mix of white leather and black Alcantara makes us  swoon.  You heard us.  Thank you for renewing our faith into carbon  fiber, Brabus. 


Porsche Cayenne S Hybrid

 Custom Shop: Lumma Design Most Outrageous Feature: This orange and  black sports car interior You drive a hybrid, because it is likely to  help save you money in the fuel pump, right?  So, why don't you spend  that extra dough with this Lumma Designs bundle?  You can bet it is  going to match a Minumum of One set of kicks on your group 


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